Invasion of the Bunny Rabbits

January 21, 2025

Sometimes things happen that we just can’t control. That’s what happened to Old Farmer MacMillan. Normally, his farm was a peaceful place. He would wake up early in the morning. Then he would milk his cows and feed his chickens. After that, he would head out to tend to his crops. But one day, everything changed.

It started with a few rabbits. At first, Old Farmer MacMillan didn’t mind them too much. He would shoo them away from his crops, but they always came back. And then, more rabbits started showing up. And before long, there were so many rabbits that they started eating everything in sight! 

That was it! Old Farmer MacMillan liked to think that he was a pretty nice guy but even he had his limits.

"These rabbits are going to ruin all of my crops," he said to his wife, Mrs. MacMillan. "I’ve got to do something about them."

"Just be careful," Mrs. MacMillan said, "those rabbits are clever little critters."

Old Farmer MacMillan didn’t want to listen to his wife. He was sure that he could get rid of the rabbits on his own.

The first thing He tried was a fence. This was no normal fence though. It was made out of chicken wire. It was tall enough to stop even the biggest rabbit from jumping over it. Old Farmer MacMillan even watched a YouTube video that taught him how to electrify it. If the rabbits tried to jump over or squeeze the fence, they would get a nasty shock!

But as Mrs. MacMillan had said, the rabbits were smarter than they looked. They dug holes under the fence keeping enough dirt between them and the fence to keep them safe and crawled through. Old Farmer MacMillan could not believe it! He pulled out his phone to record a video of it happening because he just knew that no one would believe him.

"I'll show those rabbits!" He said as he shook his fist in the air. "I'll build a moat!"

Old Farmer MacMillan got to work right away. He dug a giant ditch around his entire field and filled it with water. "There's no way the rabbits can get across this" he said, looking smug. But once again, he was wrong. The rabbits used logs to build a bridge across the moat so they could keep eating Old Farmer MacMillan's crops. Again he knew that no one would believe him so he recorded it to show his wife

By now, people were starting to talk. They called Old Farmer MacMillan "The crazy old rabbit man" and laughed at him behind his back. But he didn't care. He was determined to get rid of those rabbits one way, if he didn't he wouldn't have any crops to sell and he would have to sell his farm and start over somewhere else.

Farmer MacMillan decided to enlist his dog, Barney, to help him. He had seen a video online about dogs being able to chase away rabbits. Surely Barney would be able to do it! Barney was a good dog, he had been with the family for years and had always been helpful.

Old Farmer Macmillan set up his camera so that he could catch his triumphant moment when the rabbits finally left. But once again, he was disappointed. Not only did Barney not chase the rabbits away, but the rabbits actually started chasing him! They chased him all around the field until he was so tired that he had to lay down and rest.

There was just no way to get rid of those rabbits! They were destroying everything he had worked so hard for. Old Farmer Macmillan felt like giving up. After watching some questionable videos on Youtube and doing some research, he had an idea. He went to the store and bought a bunch of carrots, cabbage, and lettuce. It was time to negotiate with the rabbits.

He put the vegetables down in front of the hole that the rabbits were using to get into his field and waited. At first, nothing happened. He was just about to give up and go back inside when he saw a little brown rabbit poke its head out of the hole. Then another one, and another one until there were so many rabbits that he couldn't count them all! They were all staring at the vegetables with their mouths watering. But they recognized the Farmer and knew that he was trying to trap them.

The rabbits huddled together and started whispering. Old Farmer MacMillan couldn't hear what they were saying but it looked like they were discussing something important.

"This is crazy! Rabbits can't talk! I must be going crazy!" He said to himself as he rubbed his eyes. But when he opened them again, the rabbits were still there and they were still talking! He pulled out his camera to record what was happening. This was something that he knew people would want to see.

Every time that Mr. MacMillan tried to get closer so that he could hear what they were saying, the rabbits would get quiet and stare at him. But he was patient and eventually, they started talking again. This time he was able to hear what they were saying. They were discussing whether or not to trust the farmer.

"You can trust me!" Old Farmer MacMillan called out to them. "I don't want to hurt you! I just can't afford having you eat all of my crops! If you eat everything here, I'll have to sell my farm!"

"We are sorry for eating all of your crops. We didn't mean to cause so much trouble. We will leave and not bother you anymore."

Old Farmer MacMillan thought for a moment. He really didn't want the rabbits to leave because he had grown fond of them. But he also knew that he couldn't keep them on his farm if they were going to keep eating all of his crops.

"I tell you what," he said finally. "You can stay on my farm if you promise to only eat the vegetables that I give you."

The rabbits huddled together again and whispered for a few minutes before the same rabbit stepped forward.

"We promise to only eat the vegetables that you give us. Thank you for letting us stay!"

And so, the rabbits and the farmer reached a truce. The farmer would continue to grow his crops and the rabbits would continue to live on his farm. Old Farmer MacMillan just couldn't help but admire their cleverness. And who'd have believed that they could talk!

He hurried back to the Farm House so that he could show Mrs. MacMillan the footage of the talking rabbits.

She just shook her head and said, "I told you that those rabbits were clever little critters. I've been uploading those videos to Youtube and we've been making a fortune off of them!"

She took the footage and began editing it so that they could post it online. It didn't take long for the video to go viral. Their Youtube Channel became so successful that they didn't have to worry about money anymore.

Old Farmer MacMillan kept farming, but now he could give the rabbits ALL of the vegetables. They had become his friends and he was happy to have them on his farm.

Old Farmer MacMillan never imagined that a group of mischievous rabbits would change his life so completely. But he was happy and grateful for everything that had happened. And he knew that as long as the rabbits were on his farm, he would never be bored!

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