Snow Day Apocalypse

January 16, 2025

Johnny was your average third grader. He loved video games and hanging out with his friends. It was the end of the school year, and Johnny was looking forward to summer break. He just wished that the last few weeks of school would hurry up and end already or at the very least that he didn't have to go to school the next day. Little did he know that his wish was about to come true, in the most unexpected way.

When Johnny went to bed on Sunday night, there was no indication that anything out of the ordinary was going to happen. But when he woke up the next morning and looked out his window, he got the shock of a lifetime. The entire world outside was covered in snow!

At first, Johnny was confused, why was there snow in May? But then he realized that because this was so unexpected that school MUST be canceled for the day! He quickly got dressed and begged his parents to check the school's website to make sure.

As soon as he saw the words 'Snow Day' on the screen, Johnny let out a whoop of joy and ran outside to start playing in the snow with his friends.

The day started out great, they were making snowmen and snow angels and having snowball fights. The snow plows started coming through and piling up the snow at the end of the street. The kids started using the snow to make giant slides and jumps.

Johnny's friend Greg began digging through the snow mound making the world's largest snow fortress. Tunnels went everywhere, there were rooms and chambers and even a slide. It was incredible! As Johnny was exploring the fortress, he heard Greg yell from one of the top chambers.

"Hey guys, come here quick! I found something weird!"

The other kids scrambled up to where Greg was and sure enough, there was something strange buried in the snow. It looked like a giant crystal snowflake.

"Do you think it's magic?" Asked one of the kids.

"Only one way to find out." said Greg as he picked up the crystal.

"I wish that I had an unlimited supply of snow cones!"

Instantly, a giant machine appeared out of nowhere and began shooting snow cones at the kids! They were all delicious too! The kids laughed and ate until they were stuffed.

"I wish that I had a snowman butler that would do everything for me!" Yelled Violet. As she grabbed the snowflake from Greg

Just then, a giant snowman came to life and began following the her around, doing everything she said. The snowman even started doing things on his own that the she hadn't asked him to do!

A few other wishes were made and soon the kids had an army of abominable snowmen, following them around. The Yeti were so much fun to have around, the kids had no idea why people called them 'abominable', 'adorable' is more like it!

"I wish that It was a snow day every day and that I never had to go to school again!" Yelled Johnny from across the snow fort

But as soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it. He didn't want to be stuck in 3rd grade forever! He had to take it back! But it was too late, the damage was done. That was when Jeeves, Violet’s snowman butler, came in to clean up the chamber, after all, there were a lot of snow cones to clean up.

After Jeeve's left Johnny went to use the crystal to undo his list of wishes, but it was gone! Somehow Jeeves had taken it when he was cleaning up. Johnny knew that he had to get the crystal back before his final wish came true and he was stuck in a world of permanent winter. He enlisted the help of his friends and together they set off to find Jeeves and the crystal snowflake

The kids searched high and low for the crystal, but they just couldn't find it. It was like it had disappeared into thin air.

The snow started getting deeper and deeper until the kids were up to their waists in snow. And it was still coming down!

But as the day wore on, the kids started to get tired. And the Yeti were getting restless too. They began making messes and destroying property. The snow cones had kept coming but none of the kids could help themselves and they just kept eating them. They were all starting to feel a little sick.

Even Johnny was getting worried, what if they never found the crystal? What would he do then?

"We have to find that crystal and destroy it!" said Johnny. "Otherwise we're going to be stuck in this world of permanent winter forever!"

Charles looked at Johnny and said, "I'd love to but my mom is going to kill me if I don't come home soon, it's getting dark out." They decided that they would all go home and regroup in the morning.

As Johnny began walking home, he realized that he was being followed by a Yeti. The Yeti had been following him the whole time! Johnny ran as fast as he could but the Yeti was right behind him.

Jonny ran into his house and slammed the door shut, but the Yeti just stood outside, staring at him through the window.

It was going to be a long night for Johnny.

The next day, the kids met back up at Johnny's house to try and figure out where Stacey's snowman butler had taken the crystal. They knew that it must be around somewhere close.

"I bet he took it back to the snow fort!" said Greg.

So, that's where they went. But when they got there, the fort was gone! In its place was a giant snowball. All of the Yeti were huddled around it building what looked like...a snowman?

"I don't think that's a snowman," said Charles.

"I think it's a Yeti!" said Violet.

Just then, the snowball started to move and out popped Jeeves, the snowman butler! He was holding the crystal in his hand.

"There you are!" said Johnny. "Give me the crystal!"

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that," said Jeeves. "My snowman friends and I have been having way too much fun. With your wish, we're going to make it so that it's winter forever!"

"No way!" said Johnny. "We're not going to let you do that!"

"Then I'm afraid you're going to have to fight us for it!" said Jeeves.

The Yeti all started to growl and charge at the kids. Okay, now the abominable moniker began to make more sense to the kids.

The kids tried to run but the Yeti were closing in on them. They didn't know what to do!

"I have an idea!" said Violet. "Johnny, make a wish that the Yeti will all turn back into regular snowmen!"

"But I'm not holding the crystal! It won't work!" said Johnny.

"Just try it!" said Violet.

So, Johnny did as Stacey said and he made the wish. "I wish the Yeti would all turn back into regular snowmen!"

And just like that, it happened! The Yeti all turned back into regular snowmen, not abominable, not adorable and most importantly, not dangerous!

"Why did that work?" said Johnny.

"I was thinking about it last night and I realized that we weren't actually holding the crystal when our wishes came true, it was actually your words that made it happen," said Violet. "So, I figured if you shouted it loud enough for the crystal to hear that maybe your words would have the same power."

"Wow! You're a genius!" said Johnny.

"I know," said Violet.

"Well, I guess we don't need this anymore," said Johnny as he took the crystal from Jeeves and smashed it into pieces.

"Goodbye, snow friends!" said Jeeves as the sun came out and he and the other snowmen began to leave before they melted

"Goodbye!" said the kids as they watched their snowman friends disappear.

"I think we should probably go too," said Charles. "My mom is going to be wondering where I am."

"Yeah, me too," said Greg.

"I guess this is goodbye," said Johnny.

"Next time let's get out of the cold and spend some time somewhere warm," said Stacey.

"I'm down for that!" said Johnny.

And so, the adventure came to an end and everyone went home happy. Except for maybe the Yeti, but who knows, maybe they found a place where it was winter all year round. All we know is that it was definitely a couple of epic snow days.

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